Woolsey Fire Families

Woolsey Fire Families

Looking to directly help a family in need? Please consider our Adopt A Family program.  Click on any family name to read more about them and their needs.  Each individual family page will have a link to their own personal Amazon Wish List of items they are looking for to help them recover.

The Algie Family

Family of 5 with 2 dogs and 3 cats. Our home is standing by has major smoke and water damage. Our house was flooded and sat for almost 2 weeks before they let us in to shut the water off. I now have torn up flooring, subfloor and drywall in my kitchen land laundry room and the smell of smoke and mildew has permeated everything. My mattresses and couch still smell after being cleaned. Our refrigerator is a total loss as well all things plastic that cant be cleaned.

The Ambriz Family

My family has lived at our property for over 30 years now. We lived with my dad who took care of the property. The property was a place for blind and disabled kids to go to in the summer as an escape from life. My dad worked there for 34 years and my family got to grow up there and volunteer there every summer. Unfortunately all of our belongings were lost in the mobile home that we lived in on the property.

The Bloomfield Family

We are a married couple, we lived with our family all together in one property; “Camp Bloomfield”. Unfortunately, we lost everything to the fire, the house and all of our belongings, bar a few things we took with us during evacuation.

The Enriquez Family

My mother Lina and I lost our mobile home in the Hill Fire. It has been a rough time trying to figure out what we need besides a new home. We have been staying in a hotel since we were evacuated in November due to the fact that what was left of our house was uninhabitable. We are grateful for any help in trying to get back to not just a house but a home.

The Farbenbloom Family

Hi, we are the Farbenbloom family. We enjoy the outdoors, the sea, and cooking delicious food. We lost our home in Seminole Springs to the Woolsey fire. We are looking for an affordable commuter car to buy if you know of anyone selling. We don’t expect to replace everything we lost.

The Flores Family

On November 9th, my mom and I lost our home. We lived in Seminole Springs. We had what felt like a few moments to gather our pets and belongings. We lost all of our possessions. My mom and I are so appreciative for every gift.

The Koch Family

Lost our amazing geodesic dome house of almost 30 years to the Woosley fire on November 9th 2018. We lost everything and were barely able to get out with just the necessary things in a suitcase. Most importantly, I lost my 3 personalized specialized bikes for my Mountain biking with my Mountain Bike Unit. Anything is appreciated!

The Koenig/Nagler Family

We are the Koenig/Nagler family and we lost our entire home in the Woolsey Fire. We have lived in Seminole Springs since 1989. We pretty much lost everything in our home since we did not have much time to pack up our cars. Our daughter (Ashley) was out of the country for a wedding and unable lto grab any of her stuff as well. Any help is greatly appreciated!

The Levy Family

Nancy, Carina, and Nico lived in a little log cabin up in the mountains they loved. Nancy is an elementary school teacher at Cabrillo and has been for the past 25 years. She is raising her two brilliant children on her own and took in her sister, Robin, as well when she needed help. The family loved their mountain home, their neighbors, their animals, and cultivating a quiet, calm, and peaceful life. All this was devastated by the fire that raged their little canyon with no warning from firefighters or sheriffs.

The Miller Family

I was awakened by smoke at 5:25 in the morning on November 9. I got my dogs their food some water and a down coat. I thought we may have to sleep in the car. The last thing I took out of my car was my ballroom dance clothing and shoes and all of my horse equipment The last thing I looked at was in the garage but my cabinet. It was a huge Tupperware container of photographs of my son and our dogs over the years. I thought we sleep in the car so there was no room for that. I have moved four times but I’m now in a very nice but expensive home in Woodland Hills. It was the only one I could find that had a yard for my dogs. We are safe and secure and on the road to be happy.

The Mora/Walker Family

My family has been part of the Malibu community their whole entire life. My mom Judy Mora, has been a farrier (horse shoer) in the area since she was 19. She has always been very active and well know with the horse community. 30 years ago her and my grandma built a ranch in the hills of Malibu. The ranch has been my home for my whole life and every happy memory I have has been made there.

The Nelson Family

On the morning of November 9th, I got the call to evacuate our home of 30 years due to the Woolsey Fire. My daughter (Ashley) happened to be out of town in Portland, Oregon when the fire was happening. I only got our dogs, cats, and a handful of clothes. Fortunately, we were all safe, but our mobile home did not make it and all of our belongings. I don’t expect us to be able to replace it all, but anything to make life feel a little more normal will help. I work with special needs adults and help with with everyday errands and life matters. My daughter, Ashley, is a hairsrylist & makeup artist. Unfortunately, a lot of her supplies were in the house and she will need to rebuild her work supplies.

The Padgett Family

I’m a single, stay at home mom of four. All we had was our home. We lost everything in the fire, barely making it out in time. My 14 yr. old son, who has never driven, drove one of our cars through the flames. So did my 19 year old, along with 10 rescue dogs. The pictures are of us escaping as the flames consumed our backyard. That same night, I helped rescue horses until 4am. Any help is appreciated. Most importantly, the kids need their phones and computers to complete their school work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

The Ventrice Family

My 18 year old son, Hunter and I lost everything in the fire; our home, my car, my rental income & our home based businesses. We only receive $630 a month income until we can rebuild our businesses. Hunter is an amazing artist and we lost all but 5 of his works, www.hunterblaze.com

Thank you for any help.
Cindy & Hunter

The Winters Family

I am a single father of two kids with full custody of both. I just started my new business last year and now have another full time job; rebuild our home. To say this is overwhelming is an understatement. Any assistance is deeply appreciated.